Saturday, May 12, 2007

From Gary Payne

Here is the situation in CT:

10,000 attended circus last night.
Animal protestors: 15 at one door (Hartford based group)
10 at other door (Darien based group)
These groups dislike one another which is why they were seperate. (Fund raising conflicts and differing viewpoints) Dramatically different - Their dress code and their conduct. They are being led by Diana Urban and Steven Fontana and advised on how to behave. Although Don and I were each harrassed by a sign toting protestor who insured we were kept busy at all times, and whose job it is to insure that any other counter
CFA efforts: 6 volunteers downstairs with animals passing out animal leaflet, HB7019 "call your legislator leaflet", and circulating petitions to save the circus. 6 volunteers upstairs at table near section 122, doing the same. 717 signatures obtained during the come in and come out. 2 people declined to sign.
On the sidewalk: Don Horowitz and I made a 5 minute incorrect decision about where and when to
"counter protest" with our signs. Had we moved from one door to the other 5 minutes faster, we might have been televised. Cameras packed up and left having got the "story" they were assigned to get. They weren't there to cover the "news". When you see Don, shake his hand. He took a full day off in the middle of his busy time...drove 4 hours to get here, protested, helped, had breakfast/lunch/dinner with me at midnight and was driving 4 hours back, working today on zero hours sleep.
Conclusions: The number of signatures is in direct proportion to the number of volunteers we have covering the circus over the next 4 days. There is nobody to direct the press to cover the "full story". We don't seem to be getting the message to the press.
We have volunteers at each show. Gordon Turner and Steve Partyka will be here on Saturday. I might try again with signs on the sidewalk then. We don't have enough volunteers for me to try it any other time.
Good news: 3 newspapers have confirmed CFA letters for publication today. Their procedure is to call you to verify authenticity of the letter. I got 3 calls yesterday from fans who had been "verified".
My wish: I'm wishing we had someone good with the media who could get coverage of the "full story". Somewhere there has to be a reporter who wants a Pulitzer for exposing the full truth of these experts of the tin cup.
"What do you mean this is the last circus in Connecticut"? A woman said to me. "Where do I sign, this is unbelieveable....don't let them get away with this....". But that is as far as it goes. We could only talk to 717 people out of 10,000 last night. The media only covers the quick protest story. Nobody ever exposes the gaff.
Circus fans remained at their post for 4 hours. We left our post only once. To see the elephants....for many of us....this may be the last time. The red unit is wonderful. You will love it at Hershey. I'll have seen it 11 times by then, albeit from the wings of section 122. You'll find me at one of our two tables, unless the elephants are on!
From the last days of the circus in Connecticut....
Gary C. Payne


Anonymous said...

From Eric:

Despite their differences, you can be sure that a good percentage of the monies raised by these two AR factions will go towards electing liberal/leftist politicians & judges who will work hard to carry out their agenda (which is not just limited to taking away bull hooks.) As for getting fair and balanced media coverage, anyone who has studied how the “mainstream media” works knows that the conservative viewpoint is never going to get a fair shake, no matter what you do. That’s why you’re going to have to turn to the “alternative media” such as talk radio to get your message out. I don’t know if Hartford has a conservative talk radio host, but if so, that’s the person you should be making contact with. On the national level, Rush Limbaugh, for example, delights in using his program to make fun of the animal rights crowd whenever he is made aware of something they are doing that is either stupid or worthy of ridicule. (He would have had a field day pointing out how the two different groups of protesters wouldn’t even picket in the same space. Why don’t you info him with a fax?)

Anonymous said...

My whole family and the vast majority of my coworkers at the zoo and all of my friends are liberals, and NONE of them support these animal rights extremist. These people are fringe thinkers that keep their whole agenda secret from the main public. They try to sound like they just do not want elephants to get hurt, when actually they think that even “Lassie” appearing on television is animal abuse. They are not right wing or left wing; they are fanatics!

Don Bloomer

Anonymous said...

The problem that exists today and has existed for sometime is the circus industry is very poorly organized when it comes to dealing with the media. Instead of being proactive they become reactive and as I have stated for the past 17 plus years, we have too few people that are willing to fight the battle on the battlefield. While circus fans are enthusiastic and there are a number of individuals willing to counterdemontrate, it is more important that we get the message to the legislators who are involved in the decision making process. Testifying at hearings, drafting legislation, educating each political party as to the true agenda of the animal activists groups will go much further than any other course of action.
Take the time out and bring a bullhook to a city council hearing or Senate committee hearing and explain the use of the instrument in a professional way, explaining how it is used to guide an elephant like a mother would guide it's young in the wild. Radio talk show hosts love controversy and do attract a large audience, but it is important to remember a picture is worth a thousand words. Meet with the media in advance of the circus coming to town and have press packets prepared in advance so your message is delivered. Always repeat the key points you are trying to get across the media when you are speaking with them. 9 times out of 10 if you say something more than once it will be used by the media.

Steve Kendall

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Hey Steve haven't heard from you in years, are you still involved in animal politics? email me some time

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kendall,
I agree with your points regarding the need for more visibility in both local and national forums to voice the other side of the AR issues. Whoever shouts the loudest gets heard the most.

However, by saying the circus industry is poorly organized regarding the media and reactive rather than proactive, I hope you're not implying apathy. For some of us it's a matter of logistics. More often than not there's barely time to gas up the truck, feed the dog and shower before the show- let alone attend Senate hearings. But you're right, it's critical that this is done. I regret I'm unable to assist, except with letters.

I don't feel it's prudent to recommend taking a bull hook to a city council meeting or Senate committee hearing- unless arrangements are made well in advance. Othewise, I don't think you'd get through the door with it any easier than with a gun.

You make many valid points about the media. May I also suggest the popular talk shows, although some may be too chicken to address the AR topic with a balanced view.

I fully appreciate you enthusiasm, and hope it's contagious. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

steve and don both made very good points, along with pat -- i particularly agree with pat about taking bull hooks around. It's very important to realize this is not a democrat/republican or liberal/conservative issue. this is an issue that is independent and unfortunately very few people who will actually be affected are doing very much besides talking and waiting for someone else to do something. ringling seems to be doing more to counter animal rights movements than all the other shows combined. granted, ringling has more money but have anyone other than ringling, comerford and the people gary payne has brought together done anything? this connecticut thing is serious. every one of us needs to do SOMETHING instead of waiting for somebody else to do it or saying "it's no use, we will lose anyway." even if you can't do anything but write a letter, write a letter. politicians do read their mail and are very sensitive about what people think. i understand that many shows could care less because they don't use elephants any more but has anybody ever considered the possibility that downsizing performances and dropping the elephants might be contributing to the fact that circuses aren't making the money they used to?