Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Graduation Day!

IMG_1559, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Yesterday we all went down to the Florida State Fairgrounds to witness Granddaughter Skye's High School Graduation.
Very efficiently done, the 502 graduates marched in to "Pomp and Circumstance" and two hours later exited to the Grand March from "Aida". Can't beat that.
Ben took these pictures.


GaryHill said...

My son graduates tonight! Ben he saw your daughter picture, now he wants me to take him to Fla to see all my Circus Friends!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful family occassion. You and Barbara can be very proud.

Anonymous said...

My first-born grandchild, Julie, graduates from high school Sunday (27), in Idaho. Quite a time of year for us all.