Friday, May 18, 2007

Downie Bros. Circus #3

SAVE2848, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

1930's "State of the Art" bull truck. The show's painter didn't allow for any wasted space, he even painted the price of admission on the bottom of the loading ramp.


Anonymous said...

Toolen down a Paved Highway in this Rig 1930s all around America musta made ya feel like Bill Gates checken out his Bank Statements on the Computer in todays World .

How bout Some Trucken Tales ?

Here's one ;
AT or before Daun in the Clean Crisp Morning Air - openen the Hood , smellen the Cold Engine while checken all the fluids , wheels , tires etc . Starten it up & sitten in the cab watchen the air preasure build up & listnen to the Healthy Sound of the Hearty Engine Ideling & Warming Up in the quietness of the early morning ,
thinken , WHAT will today bring ? It's NOW Show Time - so ;
I put that 20 Speed Split Shift Mack into Gear & leave the Yard slowly increasing speed as I left the neighborhood so as to not disturb the quietness with the Thunderous Sound of my Straight Pipe & ease into the Days Work ahead . Soon the SUN broke the horrizon casting its first rays on the pavement ahead & me ( like Barbara Rockers Spotlight ), " The World was ALL MINE " - I was a King ( Zeus on his Golden Charriot ), no trafic , no ladies puten on there makup on the way to work yet - no one running amber lights or acten up inconsiderately etc. & often the early morning fog presenting an attmousphier of Pure Tranquillty . The first Coffee Shop to park was inviting / a Sanctuary if you will - often with Fellow Truckers around to share a Good Laugh a few Thoughts , News or Stratagies with -
Now Charged Up with some Caffene , I returned to my Truck , put on my GLADIATORS Mentality & back out on to the Highways Battlefield .
As the Day & the Trafic came on , the Big Show starts to evolve into a Wild West Saga , the Hussle & Bussle of it all -
ANYTHING , could happen or cross your path at any time & I was merely a Grain of Sand on a Beach by NOON .

Ahh -
Thoes peacefull early mornings

A Great Photo - Good Memories

Anonymous said...

Hey Wade: Isn't this the rig that John C. just had fixed, painted and ready to go on the road. All it needed was a new clutch from that last driver riding the clutch. They don't make em like that anymore.