Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Vargas elephants in practice #3

As we know "Brat" was captive born from the elephants owned and trained by Rex Williams. I wish I could say I broke this head stand but I didn't.
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24-HOUR-MAN said...

I may have told this story before, if I did,,,,here it is again. When we were on Vargas, the tie stalls for Trudy's horses were across the end of the menagerie tent, with the little pony Dory Miller nearest the elephant line. Before every show the guys would turn Brat loose & play hide-seek up & down the line. One day Congo came through the tent, walking across behind the horses, Brat saw him and went after him, luckily when Brat hit him it knocked him into Dory's stall. Every time Brat would try to go after Congo Dory would start kicking him. The pony probably saved the old man's life,or at least saved him from injury. Needless to say Dory got lots of treats from Congo after that.

Anonymous said...

Whether all of know or not, I have the distinction of being the FIRST PERSON, that the BRAT sucker punched.
It happened at the West Palm Beach Fair, one morning, as Rex and I were having a nice conversation.