Here's a much more recent photo of Casey McCoy, who spent his youngeryears on Franzen Bros., than the earlier photo sent in by Josip Marcanasking for identification. This was taken March 4, 2007, while he wasstill with Gopher and Termite Davenport's L.E. Barnes & Bailey show,then playing the second of two armory dates in Maryland. He'spresenting a nice act of four tigers that he began training on theroad ten weeks earlier. Sita is the oldest tiger at 13 years andbegan her career on Carson & Barnes, possibly trained by Okie Carr.Kali, Jai, and Sumsara are all young tigers. Eight tricks arepresented opening with a plank walk by Sumsara who goes over and thenback to return to her original pedestal. Kali and Sita playingleapfrog follow this, and then all four tigers do a lay down. Sita isnext with two jumps through a hoop, and then Jai does a rolloverfollowed by all four posing in a pyramid. Kali does the jump througha fire hoop. Closing turn is a good hind leg walk by the elderveteran Sita. When seated, the cats are positioned in four corners ofthe circular arena cage so every side of the audience has a good viewof a tiger. For the size of arena played in Baltimore or on a smallertent show, this is a very nice act with a good routine of tricks thatquickly impressed me.Dick FlintBaltimore
OKIE CARR never trained a tiger. Credit probably should go to Patricia White. All do respect to OKIE, [he was my cage boy] he was not a cat trainer. He found out the hard way.
I am not sure who may have trained her alot of people worked her. She was seat broke and did a nice sit up when I got her probably did more but I am not sure.
photo of this fellow working an elephant...how does one send it in?
Okie was good all around animal man. And a friend. I don't know who trained that tiger either, but it wasn't me. 1990 was my last season on Carson and Barnes.
Well said, Pat. Wade Burck
Okie and I used to swap cat acts, one of lions, the other of tigers, during his time at Jungleland, so I can testify the man knew his way around a steel arena. He and I both trained separate lions to roll the barrel which belonged to Mr. Beatty, so I saw him train. In re this tiger, I cannot say. I wasn't there. If "he found out the hard way" he was not a cat trainer refers to his being nailed in Ft. Morgan, Colorado, in 1968, the incident does not diminish Okie's reputation. Many working professionals have been attacked by all manner of animals, and this did not indicate they were not trainers.
Very true Mr. Smith. I do not think being a great animal trainer means you will never be hurt by an animal.
From OKIES mouth to my ears. "I was not ment to be a cat trainer, found out the hard way" Said to me in Colorado. EXCUSE ME if my ears lie like my eyes. OKIE was also my friend.
It amazes me how great trainers we become after sharing a case of beer. Who ever buys the beer is the greatest. LOL
I rest my case. Wade Burck
What about John Marrone ? I saw him working all sorts of animals with Carson-Barnes including a riding tiger or lion on an elephant. In reference to Oakie being just a cage boy, I believe he was much more than that and if D.R. would tell him to train something I am sure he would give it his best shot. Also he was to C.B. what Robert Thorton was to Al.G.Barnes in that he could work any animal with that circus, wild or domesticated. He was probably pretty crude but he damned sure got the job done. He was a very important person on C,B. for a number of years. Good or bad.
Nowhere did I say OKIE was just a cageboy. I said he was my cageboy. Also a dear friend along with his wife "all of them" and his girls. OKIE and I had many adventures following the arrows, even following some of our own once in a while. He was great for DR Miller. He would try anything once. Just should not have tried to train lions. He said so himself. OKIE dated my sister on a winter date. He was a very dear friend of my family. Rest in peace little buddy, LOV YA
Wouldn't have been John Marrone who trained the tiger in question, 13 year old tiger Sita, either. John's last season on Carson and Barnes was 1980; that's who I replaced. So let's see if we can sort out the mystery. I taught Okie's daughter Andrea to work the cats when I left. 1991.. she got pregnant, her husband Brad then worked the act. 1992 (and '93?) Larry was there in 94 or 95? help me out Larry.. then Eugene (can't remember last name) worked the cats after that. So if
Sita was born in '94, trained in '95, it would have been Larry allen Dean or Eugene? I didn't solve the mystery. Only made it worse.
I am thinking Doug Terranova Started this cat
When I got there she was seat broke, did a nice sit-up and was a leaper
I was followed by Eugeni Baranok
Okie was there in winter quarters but I don't think he went on the road that year
Larry, she had a different name on C & B right?
I remember her as Sita
That is what I was told by people taking care of her when I got there
Okie and Tim were there when I met those cats
Tim may remember who trained her
I remember calling her Sita but that may be what she told me
but as we all know she may have been impersonating another tiger called Sita LOL
I remember Sita(tigress),Tisha (lioness),Pearly (older tigress that rolled the ball) a liger (don't remember her name), and a fair sized male tiger that I don't remember the name of.
As I did not do the paper work on theses animals their names were not burned into my memory
also that was my 14th or 15th cage act
Does anyone remember Eddie Kunaman?
I worked with eddie kudaman on gophers show the winter of 03, he left to join out on Liebels show and I havent heard from him since.
Eddie Kunneman was a friend for a brief time, and I saw him work when I visited over 2 or 3 years. I'm not sure I made a note of the years, but I believe the '70s. Then I lost track of him.
Uncle Eddy ?
I was in the bunk house at the Ringling Park one morning and Eddie said, "I think I'll have ham and eggs this morning." so he reached into the refrigerator, took out a six pack of beer and removed two cans.
He thought for a moment and then said, "I think I'll have some French toast too." and added a third can.
He liked to call Ben "Tarzette" much to his annoyance.
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