Sunday, March 04, 2007

Circus Bands #1

Great Wallace Shows 1898.
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Anonymous said...

It's been a very long time since I have heard any live band. Seems like they have gone the way of the circus. Where do all those kids go that play in the school bands when they grow up?

Anonymous said...

Most high schools do not have bands these days. Too expensive. No money to teach the arts. Educators do not think art and music important!

Anonymous said...

All those kids who played in high school and want to continue in the music business find out very soon that for every playing job there are 10,000 musicians vying for that job and most of the others applying for that job are 10 times better than they are. Besides, the pay sucks and you are never sure that you will have the job for very long.

Anonymous said...

With Bob's attitude about music no one will ever take it up, want to try and make a living, and no wonder where ever George MacPherson lives "most schools do not have bands"! Sorry George, but there are many truly find school music programs across the country.

I taught high school bands in Virginia for 30 years retiring in 2001. Now I do clinics, guest conduct, and adjudicate all over the country. My high school had 4 concert bands, a jazz ensemble, a 225 piece marching band, and many other music classes. Most of the schools in our area have three concert bands a least.

You will find lots of great programs around the country, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, etc. And they are not always in large cities! Check out where many professional musicains come from in orchestras and the military bands in Washington, D.C. and you'll see they were born in little towns across this country and didn't necessarily go to the big named universities and conservatories. But they had great teachers and practiced and learned their trade. I know as I have former students sitting in first chairs in major orchestras and military bands, orchestra conductors, quality music educators in our schools, and who have played in circus bands while the jobs were still available [one was Moses Smith, Tuba on Carson & Barnes 82, then went to Disney to play].

Bob, being a musician is like being a circus performer. No one gets rich, it is something you love, is in your blood, and you do it because you love it, not for the money.

In 9 weekends this Spring [Fri. & Sat.] I will hear around 400 high school band and orchestras! Many communities still understand and support the value of the Arts.

And my biggest fund raiser while teaching school - sponsoring the Clyde Beatty - Cole Bros. Circus each spring for three days!

Carl Bly

Anonymous said...

Exactly the competition level with actors. For every acting job in Los Angeles,there are, by an industry-accepted estimate, 350,000 actors knowing of and wanting that job. Many are not the type being cast, but those who have agents and show up for an audition can number in the hundreds. Any actor getting the role knows he may never get another.

Anonymous said...

I forgot when I got up on that soapbox. I do greatly appreciate the band photos through the years!


GaryHill said...

George apparently you haven't been in Texas during High School football season? They have "Battle of the Bands"also where the bands compete againest themselves. Not to mention a bandmember has a better chance of getting a college free ride=scholarship that almost everyone but a football player?

Anonymous said...

High School Bands are out there in force. Where do these kids go after school is over? It has to be a hobby to be enjoyed after you work making a living. Wish there were enough retired players that could spend the season following a circus and enjoy playing enough to make it all worth while to them. It would take a very special person.

Anonymous said...

WELL, I guess I've been put in my place! I'm glad that the high school bands are still alive. I am told there are few in South Carolina where I now live.

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't happen to have any names for these band members do you? My grandfather played in circus bands. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I know what I'm talking about.
I'm a trumpet player and have played in concert bands, dance bands, German bands and several circus bands and never made enough money to quit my real job. I've also played with some really great musicians who make the TV musicians look sick and they never made enough to keep on the road.