Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Circus Arlette Gruss #1 (From Henry Penndorf)

While I was on the Internet, I came across some pictures of the Circus Arlette Guss' backyard. The pictures show the holding area for the performing big cats. I believe that it is for lions. It is a large complex. I was amazed at how elaborate the set up was! . I have attached three pictures of the complex. Do know i f circuses in Europe have the same problems with the animal rights groups as the circuses in the United States?
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Anonymous said...

For Rebecca: One of the first trainers I recall that would set up an exercise cage was Eloise with her mixed cage group. Another was Albert Rix.

As to animal rights protestors in Europe. Today's news has a story about a polar bear cub being hand raised at the Berlin Zoo. Since it's not being raised by its mother "naturally", they think it should be euthanized. Wonder what they think if you send your kids to day care?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jim. I do almost everything I do with my animals the way I think ELOISE would do it. Clients have ask where I learned to do these things. Just watching ELOISE was an education that I will always honor. Sometimes I wonder what she would do if she had lived to be 65 and if she could still do it. I often think I need to slow down, but something always comes up that needs to be done no matter the aches and pains. I just remember ELOISE and do the best I can. I also found that except for the younger pets, the animals just find a nice spot to lay down and watch the world go by. They just move when I am in their area to play with them. Turning your pet loose in the back yard does not mean they are getting the exercise they need. You have to be a part of their world.

Anonymous said...

For Jim: Last sentence sure is powerful! And when you stop and think about it there is a difference in 'foster care' (cub), and 'day care'. But great comment!
Carl B

Anonymous said...

Carl, I did foster care for BABYS. Trust me "CUBS" are easier.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jim, in 1976 when my services were first contracted to the Hawthorn Corporation, John Cuneo set up a section arena for the tigers, in addition to the net cage used for performances. As 90 per cent of our dates were in builidings, space was often limited. Lord know's we had enough extra arena's. Used to unload 2, to get to the one needed for the performance. I don't like hearing about "the good old day's", any more. Best wishes, friend. Wade Burck