Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bertram W. Mills' Circus 1926-27 #4

"Alf Loyal's Wonder Dogs- the World's Greatest Canine Comedians."


Anonymous said...

OK Buckles, You put this one on to throw me. Either these animals have great makeup and wardrobe or I had one too many beers yesterday. I can't guess the breed of dog. I have seen horses this small. Its wonderful no matter.

Buckles said...

I have to go along with you on this one. All I know is what the caption under the picure indicates.

Anonymous said...

they were poodles expertly clipped.

Anonymous said...

I have owned a gromming shop for 15 years and would never have dreamed of this cut. It is fantastic. The long tails are not something you see too much of anymore. I have to show this picture to another groomer who does computition'?' grooming. It would be a winner for sure. I need to groom my tiny black poodle and you know what I am going to try to do to him. "PARKER" Will send a picture if I can get any where close to this pony look. Right now he would pass for a bear.

Anonymous said...

Four hours later and PARKER looks like a cross between a Zebra and a Mule. I see now that it is the hair hanging from a cropped tail. PARKER has that part done. Still have not figured out the ears. A Gentle Leader head harness will survice for a halter. I will have to get a close up picture of a horse to do the head. The mane was easy to do. I had not realized PARKERS hair had gotten so long. A poodle dog hair will keep growing if you do not cut it. One year at a holloween party at the nurseing home I left a long strip of hair down his back and tired about 15 clumps of hair with colored rubber bands. He went as a Dinasore when that was the rage for kids. No wonder the poor thing hates to be groomed. I do grooming for a couple of rescue groups in the area and do a lot of creative grooming. This Circus act is the greatest clip I have ever seen. If I can get the cut just right for PARKER we might take that picture with us at this years Holloween party.