Someone wrote on the back of this picture "Jean Allen and "Boo" I don't know about that, "Boo" was not at all trustworthy and besides it looks like "Big Babe" to me, Jean's favorite elephant.
1901 Great Syndicate Shows 1902-05 Sells & Downs Circus 1906-09 Cole Bros. Circus (Martin Downs) 1910 Alf Wheeler Circus 1911-13 Downie & Wheeler Circus 1914-17 LaTena Circus (Andrew Downie) 1918-24 Walter L. Main Circus (Andrew Downie) 1925-31 101 Ranch Wild West 1932-34 Ranch Herd Independent Act 1935-50 Cole Bros. Circus 1951-53 Chicago Stadium Corp. Independent Acts 1954-55 King Bros. Circus 1956 Paul Kelly Animal Farm (Died in the summer of 1956)
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