I got this email in response to THIS COMMENT Buckles, I'm not sure where to post this but here's my reply: Anonymous, I post my name. I'm not anonymous. My name is Jack Ryan. I am the writer of the current Gold Unit. I don't hide under "anonymous." Please define "endless Sesame Street-like commentary." I am a circus veteran of 30-plus years. The words I wrote for the Gold Unit are valid and descriptive and delivered well by Jon Weiss and Lilianna Escobar. May I ask your credentials? It is very easy to criticize when you don't participate. I participated. Did you see music, lighting and staging at the Hanneford Big E show that compared to the Gold Unit? Please advise. The performers "embarrassed themselves"? No. You did, sir or madam, but not having the guts to even post your name. I am sorry you did not like the show. Nothing is perfect. Life goes on. Jack Ryan Writer Gold Unit, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey |
Friday, May 12, 2006
Reply from Jack Ryan - Gold Unit Writer
Posted by
5/12/2006 07:29:00 AM
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Jack Ryan has worked in the circus industry for 30 years and has never heard of Buckles?
Who is this guy?
Who has been hiring "circus writers" for the last 30 years?
I don't think Jack was talking about Buckles Pat? I had to reread it acouple of times myself. But the fact that a ticket buying person with kids, spends over $200.00 and walks away unhappy seems to me that the Management of K&N Combined Shows need to pay attention?
Mr. Ryan has been a good friend for many years.
What a Yuk. I'm the anonymous who posted the original show review, and does it make any difference who I am? Do I need to paint like Rembrandt to recognize that a crayon drawing is not art? Do I need to act like Olivier to know that a school play won't win a Tony? Yes I had my stint in the biz, but was smart enough to realize that I'd never be the kind of performer I admire or wanted to be. It doesn't change the fact that I love GOOD circus. So, If you like, I'll call myself JQ Public. Maybe because I no longer know anyone in the circus, I'm not crossing my fingers that one day I'll be booked on "The Big One", or don't have to worry about offending anyone at Showfolks I can be a bit more honest than most. So, I stand by my original thought that the Gold Unit is NOT Ringling, and definitely not the Greatest Show on Earth.
By the way, the show Hanneford puts on is a great production, not only for the quality of the acts, but for the beautiful tent and it's a FREE, MIDWAY show.
Buckles, you must be flattered that such an esteemed personage is reading your blog. WOW, you've arrived, man!
I consider my performing days as over in 1995. I never worked in a show that had a writer. What exactly do they do and why? I'm not being critical here, I'm being curious?
I still like the Gold Show. It's not a Big Apple or even the old Monte Carlo but it's good.
One thing I will mention and I'm sure all of you are running into this, RBBB doesn't give a C--P whether you performed for 30 years or performed for them last year. If you are not part of this years production you are bothering them. Go away.
Being a good friend and writer does not make the RBBB a better show. Its the paying public that counts. Dressing this show up with pretty words isn't going to work either. Words do not make up for the fact that the RBBB is a circus of the past. An OBIT would be more fitting. We would not speak ill of the dead if it would just lay down and relize that RBBB is dead.
I agree with Jack Ryan - "Anonymous" as a signature is a gutless.
Cheer up Jack, even Julia Roberts had to admit she bombed - I know it hurts. Jack, please tell me you had nothing to do with the "Get up off of your rump, and jump" musical number. Pleeeeeeze
I could have gotten by nicely by not reading that last message.
As some one who was born and raised in the circus, always living in the shadow of the Greatest Show on Earth and finally becoming among their number only to learn it has been reduced to "Get off your rump and jump?" I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Anonymous may be a member of the RBBB and wants to finish the season with a job. Some times some of us have been know to hit that anonymous button by mistake. VERY good comments this morning. He or she gave us a jump start to our day.
"Why can't it be the way I picture it?" may be a horribly rude question to a man who just gave you the best he could, under today's circs, but it often comes from a fan who would buy tickets again every year of his life.
"A thrilling show for the grade school crowd," can still be a moneymaker each year.
We who are searching for acts that really advance their art, or honor the greats of the past, don't need to kill off all rivals.
Halfway anonymous, Lotliza
Monte Carlo was an excellent show - chock full of world class acts and very nicely framed. Gold could be as good, but it's created by people who think they know what circus should be rather than what it is. Stop re-inventing the wheel for Chrissakes. The circus is just fine the way it has been for 200+ years. Buckles you would cry if you could see what Kenny has done to the GSOE. I can't believe the new generation of show business geniuses don't look at programs and videos of the shows of 20 years ago and want to recreate even a tiny bit of that lavish excitement that Ringling used to be.
Anyway, I'll go back to lurking and reading the posts about the good old days.
But first, just one more poke at Gold (it's so much fun)The back ring entrance is nice, but what the hell do cloven footed devils, demons and aliens have to do with the circus?
I read a review of the Polack show in Chicago once, and the guy said,"the clowns aren't as funny as they were when I was a kid, and the girls aren't as pretty as they were when I was a kid", etc. etc. I wanted to tell him, "maybe it's because you're not a kid anymore".
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