Friday, May 12, 2006
Incoming mail/ from Scott Riddle
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5/12/2006 06:24:00 AM
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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5/12/2006 06:24:00 AM
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Not being familiar with "Riverbanks" I eMailed the director John Davis and received this reply.
"Riverbanks Zoo & Garden is a medium sized, non-profit zoo located in Columbia, SC."
I don't know of any org. or animal person who makes a profit in the long run. It all goes to feed and care for the animals in the off times. You have to love animals to live this life style. Circus and ZOOs keep the animals in the lime light and they are not cheap when it comes to their animals. Only the best.
I don't think I have seen two pictures of Rex that look alike. Seems he changed so much year to year. Smokie was another that I would not have reconized in the last years. I was looking at pictures of OKIE and me a while ago and he never changed. Same old s^% eating grin. Have we ever seen pictures of Roger?
I'm wondering about the Ringling elephant farm. That place must cost a fortune to maintain. Never mind the feed, vets, payroll etc, just the taxes must be pretty hefty. There's no way it could pay off financially, beyond a tax loss. Seems like a huge expense to restock the shows with elephants. When the shows start losing money, or in a worst case senario, fold, that place couldn't support itself even selling punks to zoos. What's a baby cost now? a hundred grand? I wonder if Feld ever regrets that venture. There's a potential for a lot of homeless old elephants.
Mr. Feld must be feeding about70 elephants with only 20 being road worthy.
Never fear, carol buckley is near.
I visited Rex and Reed at Lion Country Safari, in Grand Prairie, Texas--must have been about 1977 or so. Anybody know?
As for pictures of me, Dutchess, I need Shannon's expertise. If it's left up to me, I can't get them there from here.
Was this elephan named after Louis Reed?
Indeed it was!
Roger, I came into International Animal Park in summer of 78. I didn't know Rex had been there? No one ever mentioned his name? Some goof ,I can't remember his name was working only Abu. He left and I put together a little fun act with Abu and Bubbles. Entertainment was cheap back then! I thought Lion Country died in 75? The Hunts took over the Grand Praire park and a movie "Day of the Animals" was shot there,early 76 I think???
does beth have nothing better to do than be so vicious?
Interesting how you delete any comments that question your practices or could be construed as critical.
Because, Beth, you have a thousand other forums to rant and question practices. Obviously you need to head back to them, because, it seems your amazing insight and opinion is not welcome here.
BOY! I leave my desk for an hour and we get "Informationed on" How dare this "BETH" person be critical of us. We do a dam good job of that to ourselves thank you very much. Must have her cod piece in a bind. That happens when you have no balls. Remember "SUE"
In my experience, 99% of AR activists fall into just three categories: Gay/lesbian, overweight or seriously attractive challenged women, and feminists. All of who see themselves as victims and project that onto every other living thing. Have you seen 'Animals Agenda' magazine? It's page after page of pictures of animals in horrible circumstances. I have to wonder about the mental state of people who need to surround themselves with that. I honestly believe that activism is a mental illness.
On that last comment. Buckles just named me an activest. I',m not really I just know a couple of real ass hole women that don't know their ass hole from an animal. I will wash my hands after writing this with soap. Knowing how they got started and why makes my blood boil. People who know me remember how sweet and lady like I have always been. These ass hole people make me want to puke and after medication I do enough of that. They should never ever have said a word about the two people I loved more then anyone on this earth. Eloise Birtchtold and John F Cuneo Jr. carol buckley leads the pack of no nothing talent animal abusers out there. I remember how she beat "TARRA" until she bled and then says she crys after she did it. I remember "SUE"
Sorry to add to anyone's outrage, but some PETA activists get jobs as Social Studies teachers. The jr. high ones assign letter writing campaigns as classwork, because they can use 100 kids to look to politicians like a groundswell of public opinion. They can so easily get a headstart of several years on planting false ideas.
The loons handing out pamphlets at the gate may be no worse for business than bad weather. The ones that sneak propaganda into kids' heads quietly are the most dangerous in the long run.
Kids are not historians. They don't know why confiscating all animals would be wrong "if those stories are true," and have no concept of slow-moving evil that would plan and nudge events along for decades.
People who want out of the rat-race of their own schedule are natural suckers for the idea of a hidden paradise where animals never have to earn a paycheck. I mean, "Show how much you care by never visiting and never asking any questions. Just send cash, and we promise no one will ever see these animals again," is like those "invisible dog" leashes they used to sell as novelties -- only it rakes in millions for the organizers. People fall for this scam because they wish someone would take them away and set them free to roam.
The fond eyes of big audiences focused on performers is a very powerful incentive toward excellent care and long life for great big living treasures.
The only terrorist tactic we should imitate is keeping our language clean enough we can be quoted. Trying to laugh when I say that, grateful for honest reactions earlier,
I believe we were there in 1975.
I have no idea who you are or what you have posted.
You are probably an animal activist/terrorist. In which case, nothing you say is honest or informed.
I remember Sue and I know exactly what was done to her, how she died and who is responsible for her death.
Darlene Williams
I choose my words very carefully.
Everyone here knows what happened to Sue.
When you hide by posting as Anonymous you don't deserve any answers.
How on earth can this "know it all" be so frigging dumb. She has no clue what the a/r people do. We have to stop answering her stupid questions that have been through the grapevine for 10 years. I smell carol buckley all over this "beth" Any bets? She is just stirring up trouble by being vicious and cruel to the ladies in the circus. Lets please pass on her question and answer gig. She is just getting worse on every blog.
I agree with you Rebecca.
You know once when I was in college I actually gave money to PETA. Then I did a little research and found out what they were really about.
In this day of the Internet it doesn't take much of an effort to find out pretty much anything. I think I was the most astonished when I looked up PETA's tax information & saw where all those donations really went.
I was at Lion Country Safari, in Grand Prairie, Texas, in the summer of '76. I take no pride in that employment. The vet there was a friend of my late cousin. He was among the worst I've known around animals, and so was the staff. They had one good guy, Ralph Hoey, and the rest were people I'd never hire. I did visit Rex and Reed there a year or so later, and the place didn't last much longer, which is good. I was an extra on that movie, and Hubert Wells from the late Jungleland was on it as a trainer.
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