Thursday, December 29, 2005

The "Subscribe" function

My dad has received a few questions about the "Subscribe" feature at the right.

If you enter your email- you will receive overnight the posts of the previous day. So if dad posts 4 articles with pics today, at 1am the following night it will send a email with those articles to those who have subscribed. This is just another way to receive the posts.

This might be usefull for those who cannot access daily or often enough and want a easier way to "catch up" what has been posted.

Just giving the viewing public options.

Also on the right near the bottom is XML this is for Feeds - if you don't know what they are, don't worry about it. But if your curious..... Here are some links about News Feeds (RSS/XML) if your curious. It's the new "fad" on the internet.

What is News Feeds and how do I use them...


Anonymous said...

Shannon, many thanks for the update and information.