Saturday, August 06, 2005

Orton Bros. Circus 1916/ "Hero" at practice

This is "Hero" practicing the "cover" with his trainer, a trick common in elephant acts. At this point they must have been very confident with him since at 20 he was well overdue to start "bulling".


Anonymous said...

I don't care how common this trick is, it scared the hell out of me everytime I did it with Margret on Fairyland. She was a wonderful, gentle elephant and I trusted her completely. Wasn't so sure about myself. She is also the elephant who pooped on me during the afternoon show. Did the trainer hold on to a head piece? I notice the hook under the chin. Would this have been any use if the elephant really wanted to do harm? I alway thought that tool was more for show then anything. I saw mostly canes being used. I think the best defense is running like hell to a safe place if need be. Babe Woodcock was my friend on Kelly Miller. I had a nightmare that I still think about every now and then. A giant white elephant is stalking me through a hotel, looking in windows and doors. SCARY, slowly but delibertly looking for me. Hero,s story reminded me of this. I can relate. Wish there was another way to stop an elephant. Such a waste, but no other choice.

Prairie Perspective said...

I am writing a newspaper column about the death of Hero in South Dakota in 1916.
May I use this photo with it?
Thank you.
Tom Lawrence