Friday, August 27, 2021



Tony Greiner said...

The fellow in front out of uniform is a reminder to always sit or stand straight for a photograph.

Roger Smith said...

On a close look under the glass, I wonder if the bandsman 4th from L is a young Ramon Escorcia?

Tony Greiner said...

Any idea what show this was, or when? Escorcia had a couple of bandleader gigs, but my memory is faint-- Rudy Bros? Sells and Gray? Maybe Beatty-Cole? I worked mostly under Charlie Stevenson, who spoke warmly of Escorcia.

If it is him, he doesn't look like the leader of this outfit, so yes, early in his career.

Roger Smith said...

Agreed, but my facts are not where I need them. Ramon led the Beatty-Cole band, but I don't recall when or for how long.

Roger Smith said...

In looking back through the 1959 Cristiani Route Book, Ramon was bandleader that year. In this book, his name is spelled Escorsia.