Friday, July 17, 2020



Chic Silber said...

Tomorrow (Saturday) the 18th

there will be a celebration

of the life of Jean Rockwell

Jacob (Jacobs) at 10 O'Clock

in the Sailor Circus Arena

Located on Bahia Vista St

just slightly East of US 41

(The Trail) in Sarasota

Larry Louree said...

Chick, Barbara woodcock is in the hospital, on respirator and non responsive. Dalilah has posted updates in Facebook, but I know you aren't on that platform.

Chic Silber said...

Thank you Larry

I just spoke with Shannon &

I learned that his mom has

been in the hospital 6 days

It is not Covid 19 related

but an ongoing stomach issue

she has been under treatment

for quite a while

She is under mild sedation &

slight mechanical ventilation

No visitation is allowed

There has been improvement

I'll set up a posting today

& keep updating as I can

Chic Silber said...

I've just returned from

Jean Rockwell Jacob's

life celebration at the

Sailor Circus Arena

It was beautifully done

& very well attended