Saturday, June 13, 2020



Roger Smith said...

As noted on CHIC'S June 10th Beatty birthday tribute, '37 was a hell of a year for the man. Reams of publicity out on him, the TIME Magazine cover of March 29th, his 2nd Big Act of 43 mixed cats. His was the career I begged Heaven to emulate. Captain Terrell Jacobs and Bert Nelson were towering names in the cage, and Pat Anthony was prominent for years. But as Bill Johnston put it, there were many like me, Dick McGraw, Frank Phillips, Dick Clemons, Fred Logan, Okie Carr, and the others, but all said and done, only one Clyde Beatty.

Roger Smith said...

In 1995, Dave Price and I found the last of the old Cole show Winterquarters, in Rochester. We pulled up outside, with Dave's car sitting astride the Nickel Plate RR tracks which were still there, reminding us of Spring departures and Winter returns.

Chic Silber said...

Are the 2 fellows as shown

Jess Adkins & Zack Terrell

Tony Greiner said...

I'm guessing Marfa was used as a watering stop on that long run to Del Rio- it 3800 people in 1930, and Presidio County 10,000. If you've got to stop, might as well put on a show? Or was that enough population in 1937?

Roger Smith said...

Yes, the portraits are of Adkins & Terrell.