Tuesday, June 16, 2020



Chic Silber said...

My last stateroom was on this train

Earlier on the Hickory Creek was to

be the ass end but got it sloughed

After that it was left to rot on a

Venice siding & ended up looking

like "Rails #7" as shown above

Chic Silber said...

Many years later a New Jersey

railroad club bought the hulk

& did a magnifiecent restore

to replicate it's original

purpose as the observation

lounge end car on 1 of the

2 "Twentieth Century" sets

for the New York Central

The sister car "Sandy Creek"

after a few other projects

has been likewise restored

in Norfolk Southern livery

used by the corporate execs

for private events

Of the few differences on

the 2 "Creeks" only the

"Sandy" has a back door

(Nickel Nowledge)

Chic Silber said...

Good for a rail club bar bet