Sunday, May 10, 2020



Jim Royal said...

Eddie "Mother" Dullum?

Chic Silber said...


Chic Silber said...

Eddie did a terrific drag

walkaround to David Rose's

"The Stripper" on Beatty

Chic Silber said...

My alltime favorite "Washer Women" routine

was Eddie "Mother" Dullum & Glen "Seacow" Hart

They put great energy into all of it which made

it really exciting & fun to watch on Beatty in

the mid 60s (or so)

Roger Smith said...

In '64, Eddie was doing the drag walkaround solo for weeks to ineffective music. After no end of strident consultations, Boom-Boom got the music to THE STRIPPER, and Eddie's re-energized swishing brought the house down.

Chic Silber said...

Do you recall Roger if the

skunk's name was Petunia

Roger Smith said...

Yes, but I needed you to remind me. Petunia was not on the show in '64.

Chic Silber said...

In the off season I think

Eddie stayed with Buster Odle

Roger Smith said...

Right, and for a time they clowned as partners.

Chic Silber said...

Buster was the mailman before Kenny

Roger Smith said...

I like to think Ma is smiling that he got more comments for Mother's Day than anyone else.