Tuesday, April 21, 2020



Chic Silber said...

Taken from the Control/Spotlight Booth

while announcing & operating Spot #1

during a performance in Commack

(I announced a few performances while

Roger Boyd was out very sick)

Chic Silber said...

My favorite parts were the pitches

of Roger's that I can still remember

Side Show & Coloring Books

Chic Silber said...

I just noticed Roger in this photo

so clearly this wasn't 1 of those

Chic Silber said...

The 1st Suarez family from Guadalajara

Sisters Clementina & Lupe on the right

Brothers Pino & Raul behind Roger Boyd

then Clementina's husband Hugo

Chic Silber said...

Members of this family operate

Circo Suarez that plays mostly

in Mexico & Central America

Raul had married Lupe Gaona

so Papa Victor Gaona helped

frame it in the late 70s

Chic Silber said...

Another Suarez family riding act

followed them on the Beatty Show

Cousins of that 1st family they

all remain here but the father

Enrique died recently

Chic Silber said...

The Dubsky's risley props

are shown at the bottom

Rob Owen said...

I remember visiting the Beatty show in Ohio in the early 1970s. There was a terrible rainstorm during the evening show and one gigantic water pocket formed above the track. The water weight split the canvas just as the Suarez troupe was entering. They were close to it and it spooked the horses. the riding act did not work that night.
In 1979 and 80 I worked with Enrique and his brother Ruben on the Gatti American Continental. The troupe broke up after 1980.

Chic Silber said...

Early 70s were this 1st troupe

There were 2 different families

They were cousins but the folks

shown here were mentioned above

Reuben was Rosa's brother & was

with the 2nd Suarez riding act

with Enrique Rosa Reuben & 2 of

the daughters Marta & Isobel

Reuben died at an early age