Monday, February 17, 2020



Chic Silber said...

At 1 time there were at least

3 of these elephant hotels

I believe 1 still exists on

the Jersey shore somewhere

A featured element of Irvin's

original scheme for the park

in Haines City was a great

elephant entrance hotel but

when the powers at Mattel

took the park away from him

the elephant was the 1st to

go along with many other of

his other better ideas

Larry Louree said...

I understand am that Mattel was a tad unhappy with us in Park operations when they dropped some heavy green on the hurricane and we didn't loose any money that fiscal year. They didn't know how to run a circus or a theme park.

Chic Silber said...

Lucy is in Margate New Jersey

Margate’s own Lucy the Elephant

is America’s oldest surviving

roadside attraction

Over the years Lucy has served as

a restaurant office guest cottage

and tavern (closed by Prohibition)

At six stories (65 feet) high and

90 tons Lucy is by far the largest

elephant in the world

She was built in 1881 as part of

a real estate promotion

Chic Silber said...

Elephant Colossus (The Elephant Hotel)

was a tourist attraction on Coney Island

122 feet tall the Coney Island Elephant

was twice the size of Lucy the Elephant

It was the 2nd of 3 by the same builder

It burnt down in 1896 having been both

a hotel & concert hall then later on the

elephant began to serve as a brothel