Tuesday, June 04, 2019



Chic Silber said...

The lovely Julie Droguette

Roger Smith said...

Giving it a go--L to R, Clockwise--Merlin "Shorty" Hinkle, Bernardo Crespo, Jimmy James, the 2 @ Center are unknown to me, then tall Buck Nolan, Bernie Kallman, Louie Nagy, and another unknown. @ Lower Center, turned away from us, is either Kenny Dodd or Billy McCabe.

Chic Silber said...

Down front is indeed Kenny

I also don't know the others

Charles Hanson said...

The squatting clown on the right with the red wig and blue hat may be Jimmy Douglass??? Not positive.

Roger Smith said...

You can tell this is a Kenny Dodd Clown Alley--no tramps. He stated in his major BANDWAGON article that tramps clowns were not for him. Pretty much the same for women as clowns. The idea was "need not apply". (BTW, in that same issue, Nov-Dec 2012, find my story on how I worked with Mabel Stark.)

The 2 clowns @ C may be visiting fans, who sometimes are allowed makeups and wardrobe to appear in the show and feel "with it" for a day. Some are not so hot. One of the best of these visitor fans was Joe E. Ward, a wealthy engineer-industrialist out of Wichita Falls, Texas, a friend of my family. Unlike so many otherwise amateurs, Joe had 1st Class wardrobe and an early 20-century whiteface that was truly a classic, all said the exception proving the rule.

Roger Smith said...

CHARLES: On another look, I can't say that's Jimmy Douglass @ Lower R. But I'm still looking for someone to tell me what went with his Taylor trunk collection.

Charles Hanson said...

Kenny would be the one to ask...Slim pickings after that if he doesn't know.

Roger Smith said...

CHARLES: He said he honestly didn't know, so like you say, slim pickings to guess who else.