Thursday, March 28, 2019



Roger Smith said...

Mrs. Davenport's name escapes me. Then Ben, and daughter Norma.

Ken said...


Chic Silber said...

I believe when the Cristianis

were on the Dailey Show Pete

was working in concessions &

met Norma to become his wife

The 5 elephants were the gift

for their wedding present

Charles Hanson said...

Chic....I believe that Pete was the only Cristiani on Dailey Bros. Circus. According to the great articles Lane Talburt did for Bandwagon on Pete Cristiani: Most of the family was on King Bros. Circus with Floyd King. Pete was miffed at the brothers since they did not choose him to do concessions on King Show. Thus he went to Dailey Bros. Circus and the rest is history.

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Charles

Roger Smith said...

Mervin "Corky" Plunkett was one of Norma's husbands, I think the 1st. When I knew him on the Castle show, he was married to June. Their son, James, learned the wire act on Castle's rigging, which he gave to James. When they told him they weren't returning for the season of '74, he got steamed and demanded his rigging back.

Charles Hanson said...

On Dailey Bros. Circus, Pete Cristiani did not hande concessions as we know the term meaning: Floss, Sno, Corn, Cokes, Rubber. Instead, he ran the "Pie Car" with it's vast gambling empire. He also patched the show with local authorities so the lucky boys could work. Some towns bought into this and some did not.