Friday, March 29, 2019



Chic Silber said...

The only card I know of

without any year shown

Charles Hanson said...

Arthur Sturmak(sp) had been on the King Bros. Circus with Floyd King. When he left the show, he took along concession equipment belonging to Floyd King. Mr. King put the FBI on him and in Mr. King's words...He brought that equipment back quick and fast. He was married to Betty Biller (thus the name) and all of this was in the early fifties. He started Biller Bros. after leaving King Bros. amid much controversy concerning missing equipment and $$$.

Chic Silber said...

Do you recall how long it was out

Chic Silber said...

I've just learned Biller Bros Circus

only existed from 1949 to 1951

Arthur Sturmack was the proprietor

Charles Hanson said...

Chic; Only a couple of Season or so and I believe they wintered in Athens, Georgia.I never saw the show but read they had a strong line-up...