Sunday, March 31, 2019



Roger Smith said...

Some readers will recognize Pat Anthony's barrel being used by Dave Hoover. When Pat was selling the last of his animals and equipment, I went to load it out in Riverview, with Dave, George Hoover, Eddie Firlein, and cagehand Four-eyed Tommy. Pat came to DeLand to break Dave in on working his cats. The barrel had this tiger alongside a young lion, but for 1981, Hoover didn't keep the trick. The barrel, and Pat's ball track were left exposed to the elements in Winterquarters. The ball itself rode in Hoover's carry-all and was never unloaded.

I never got it straight if this tiger was named Phoebe, Pee-Bee, or Pee-Wee. Take your pick. She was a good, steady young lady.

Chic Silber said...

Mid to late 80s (good years)

The barrel was used at least

for several seasons Roger

Roger Smith said...

He must have added it later, but it was 86'd in '81. It was as well-made a barrel as ever presented.

Cindy Potter said...

It was simply the letters P B.
As Pat explained, short for PAIN IN THE BUTT!!!
Cindy Potter

Cindy Potter said...

The female lioness "Shorty" was to be the other half of the act on the barrel, but Dave didn't pursue it. There was also another lion that Pat brought. His name was Niki, but every time Dave raised his chair up he charged him. Niki went back home!