Friday, November 17, 2017

#1 Big Apple Circus!

Karen Lewande aboard "Peggy", Bobby Gibbs and myself receiving Finale accolades!


Chic Silber said...

I believe Peggy at age 57

is still with Scott Riddle

In Greenbrier Arkansas

Chic Silber said...

Wasn't she the discard from

Gunther Gebel who seemed to

have trouble with her

Buckles said...

Yes Indeed!
Gunther was delighted to see her leave.

Buckles said...

Complicated Elephant!
She hated some people at first sight, tolerated others and for some unknown reason adored my daughter Dalilah.
She would gently wrap her trunk around her waist, close her eyes, stand there and doze in contentment. Renamed her "Peggy" after my wifes' sister.
Had another elephant named "Sadie" after my Mother who had the habit of picking up things and saving them.
Once she found a rubber tire and carried it around as much as she could and sometimes place a hind leg inside it and drag it along, even slept with it under her head so the other elephants couldn't get it.

Chic Silber said...

No special reason required

Many of us adore your daughter

Paul Gutheil said...

The best styling elephant you could hope for.