Tuesday, October 17, 2017

#2 Polack Bros.

I asked Mr. Stern "How about buying another Baby Elephant for the Show and this is what arrived via Louis Goebel!
One of the endless concoctions my wife had to brew up every day!
Mack and Peggy MacDonald had been on the Polack Show so long that our arrival wasn't received too well by some of the Old Guard with the exception of the Concession  Managers wife Stella Howell.
So I named the elephant after her.....that showed 'em!


Chic Silber said...

I've asked before at about

what age do their trunks

reach to the ground as it

seems the older elephants

trunks then get to curl

Buckles said...

She was raised on a bottle and I didn't think she would ever be weaned.
My wife came up with a heated Oat Meal concoction, that was gradually thickened until she began chewing.

Buckles said...

Chic, on second thought I think that question would be a good lead in for a Winestein Joke!