Tuesday, October 24, 2017

#14 Elephant Men!

Jimmy once told me that Arthur Lake of Movie Fame "Dagwood Bumstead" was actually a Siilverlake from Medora, Indiana!


4pawfan said...

Arthur Lake was born Arthur Silverlake Jr and changed his name when he married Patricia Lake in 1937. He played Dagwood in 28 movies from 1938 to 1950. She said on her death bed to her children that she was the child of Randolph Hearst and Marion Davies (whom was noted as her aunt when she and Hearst were still alive). Hearst and Davies lived together for many years as his first wife would not grant him a divorce.

4pawfan said...

After a little research, I found that Universal Pictures founder Carl Leammle had Arthur change his name from Silverlake to Lake. His wife's name was Patricia Van Cleve.

I could not find what year he changed his last name. All IMDb records from 1917 forward have him listed as Arthur Lake.

The IMDb ( Internet Movie Database ) was made in the early 1990's and does not show the name change from Silverlake to Lake in their credits.