Thursday, August 03, 2017

#1 Polack Bros. Circus

While my wife and I were with the Show Irving J. Polack was long deceased and I only remember seeing Mrs. Polack several times while we played Medinah Temple in Chicago.
Mr. Stern was the man.


Chic Silber said...

I visited the show a few times

when Bob Mitchell was announcing

& Francesca Bisbini Hynds was

performing maybe in Fayetteville

& Raleigh in the mid 70s after

the Woodcocks had left

Chic Silber said...

Both of them worked with me

in my shop & office several

years later in Sarasota

Fran is retired here now

Jim R said...

I wonder if anyone remembers Bessie's sisters, Alice Armstrong and Stella Howell? I think Alice and Stella lived out their years in Sarasota after Bessie passed. I think they lived on Golden Gate Point.