Friday, June 02, 2017

#1 Big Apple


Chic Silber said...

Lock stock & both barrels

of the BAC were purchased

by Compass Partners which

is a Sarasota development

and investment company &

their "Big Top Works" run

by Richard Perlman Barry

Salzman & Jim Price who

aren't known by any of

my friends at ShowFolks

have announced they will

return to Damrosch Park

this fall & winter season

Ty McFarlan will become

ringmaster & Barry Lubin

will return to join Nik

Wallenda as headliners

I can hardly wait but I

will likely miss it

Buckles you better gas

up that bus in the back

Chic Silber said...

Compass Partners has a

track record of growing

businesses from culinary

equipment to healthcare

Seems appropriate to me

Chic Silber said...

For the record Karl Wallenda

was Nicholas Troffer's mother

Delilah Zoppe's grandfather

But that all makes good sense

Chic Silber said...

I wonder if those

Compass guys had

inside information

on Feld's intention