Saturday, May 27, 2017

#15 Chix Pix


Chic Silber said...

I met the Gaona family

on the Beatty Show in 61

It was Poppa Victor that

introduced me to RBBB in

late 64 to Trolle Rhodin

Chic Silber said...

I believe that Tito is

still running a flying

trapeze school in Venice

Chic Silber said...

This shot shows him sitting

on the catch trap where he

has landed (again & again)

after bouncing from the very

tensioned net on his comedown

After several of these bounce

backs when the applause died

down he would feign missing it

He was 1 of the several crowd

pleasing attractions in some

of the best Big Bertha years

78 Blue was my very favorite

Roger Smith said...

Winter Pink Films director Sharon Grimberg tells me Tito is among those interviewed for the upcoming PBS circus documentary. She also filmed Tino Wallenda, La Norma, Jackie Le Claire, and yours truly.