Thursday, April 06, 2017


This is Eddie Allen and "Safari" with the new Cole Bros. Circus in 1935 that had just been purchased from the Detroit Zoo and billed as Jumbo II.
Years later Parley and Ernestine Baer invited my wife and I to a gathering at their home in  Tarzana, that to my delight included Mr. Allen  who at the time was ranking figure in the Movie Stage Hands Union.
When I asked him about this elephant he said that he wasn't much of a problem at all, in anticipation of trouble the show had built a wagon to gilly him back and forth to the lot but he marched right along with the herd.
He added that the second season he started to falter and had difficulty keeping up then one day suddenly dropped dead on the lot.
He added that a post mortem showed his lungs had been eaten away by TB.