Wednesday, October 26, 2016

This Show Biz is all.....


Patricia said...

Been there, done that, haven't we all. I can hardly believe I don't even own a pair of mud boots anymore...

Harry Kingston said...

Hi Pat,
Sure miss seeing you in the big cage as it was a great act.
Being a circus fan we pack it all as you never know what the weather will be like and change quick.
We take boots, rain coat and umbrella, extra cloths, shoes, plastic bags, food, etc as it all has come in real handy down the road.
I have seen some real mud on Carson and Barnes.
One time in Kileen D R had a bulldozer pulling and it was gummed up with mud on the treads and then 3 elephants pulling the bulldozer and what a picture it was.
Those were the days.
Harry in Texas

Patricia said...

Those were the days, indeed! (I remember Gee Gee used the chorus of that song for her walking long mount) Thanks for the nice comment, Harry. I don't miss being on the road too much, but I do miss the cats.
Oh, that C&B mud. I recall one very muddy rainy day when many patrons were complaining loudly about the condition of the lot. Lucy Loyal piped up, "Hey lady- this is YOUR mud. WE DIDN'T BRING IT WITH US!"

Lucy 1, lady with muddy tennis shoes 0. Bazinga!

Paul Gutheil said...

A few fun days in Garfield, NJ. Women are the weaker sex??