Saturday, May 14, 2016

#18 Circus Vargas



Chic Silber said...

Dione top center became

the self appointed dance

captain & created some

heat among the troupe

Unknown said...

Dione was dance captain while on RBBBC and was privy to the offer from Cliff Vargas via Wally Nautin and Dale Longmire. Dione had chosen the girls to go to Circus Vargas. She as dance captain on Vargas as well and never caused any problems. I don't know where you got that Chic, but what you said is not true.

Unknown said...

Me at my best. Top right.

Chic Silber said...

Oh yes Darlene she stirred

it up for sure from sources

both still alive & still dead

Wade G. Burck said...

Indeed Darlenw you were "hotter then a two dollar pistol." It was a wild time. Why was Tracey not in this picture? Pam I suspect had returned to Ringling. I am with you, I too never heard off or saw Dion involved in any beef's. The original Ringling importation to Vargas raised the bar and set the standard for dancers/showgirls forever.

Wade Burck

Unknown said...

Not while I was there Chic.

Chic Silber said...

I have good reason to

trust several sources

Chic Silber said...

What years were you there

Darlene (& Wade)

Wade G. Burck said...

Chic, 1981. Darlene put up with it longer then I was able to......

Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

Several folks I know share

that same sentiment Wade

Unknown said...

Chic, you are one argumentative man. There was no problem with Dione while I was there. I was there 1980 through 1984. I had a great time there and loved my job at Circus Vargas. This was where I learned of mud shows. Never before had I ever tried dancing through a corn field. We did it. This was also where I had met Ben in 1983, we married in '84.
Wade, this picture may have been taken after you and Tracy left for RBBBC. You guys went to Japan with the "gold"unit.

Chic Silber said...

Mostly Darlene I look for

folks to add comments here

It's easier to get people

to respond to intrigue

than to simple patter

I also know about mud

I've had opportunities

to work on shows at all

levels of discomfort

Still prefer mud to ice

I guess frozen mud might

be even worse than that

Come on down to the club

sometime as my guest &

I'll be happy to explain

Wade G. Burck said...

We didn't go to Japan with the Gold Unit. We went to Japan with the Paul Kaye Continental Circus, returned did another summer at Marineland, in the fall the Texas Dates, then the Blue Unit of the GSOE.
