Thursday, May 12, 2016

#10 More Pix


Chic Silber said...

Alberto Zoppe

Chic Silber said...

Alberto was Jenny Wallenda's

1st husband & fathered both

Tino & Delilah with her

He had more children with

second wife Sandy of which

Giovani (Nino) continues to

troupe the Zoppe Family Circus

Bob Swaney said...

Tino is a spittin' image.

Chic Silber said...

& more all the time Bob

Unknown said...

I wonder how many remember Alberto on the short lived Barney Bros. in the fifties. It did not last long. Truzzi was on that show if I remember correctly.

Bob Good

Paul Gutheil said...

The wonderful Alberto was visiting Cousin (?!?!) Davide Zoppe and his family at the NJ Meadowlands Fair (King Arthur, Duchek Circus) 20 some years ago.