Friday, April 22, 2016

#4 Cheerful


Mr.Lee said...

I never knew Cheerful had a Baboon act !

Buckles said...

My father told me that Baboon Acts were very common back in the 20's and 30's since they were Hale and Hardy animals.
He said when he made Vaudeville Dates with an elephant act he would often share the Baggage Car with other animals and if it was cold they just tossed a blanket over the Baboon Cage.
He said he never saw a Chimp Act until the 1940's.

Jim Alexander said...

Buddy Watkins told me that he and his dad had the first chimp act on Ringling Bros. with more than one animal in 1946 or 47. (They had two) Chimp act didn't become popular until the development of portable heaters after WWII. I know there were a few chimp acts earlier like Reuben Castang but daily moves in the spring and fall would have been a challenge.