Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Happy Birthday Herta!


Wade G. Burck said...

Here it is folk's, Bagherra the world's first performing white tiger with Joyce the elephant, wearing the family crest banner of El Chapo Guizman..... Tony, the most famous(or infamous) white tiger in history was in Cincinnati making famous babies at the time. I went to work for the Duke and Dutchess of Hawthorn in June of 1976 and shortly after took delivery of two of Tony's offspring from the Cincinnati mating, Ika and Ari. Bagherra remained celibate her whole life and never produced offspring. I did the riding act with Rajah a gold tiger and Soloman the lion, and when the world's first performing white tiger act was formed did the riding act with Bagherra and Rajah. Now they are wonderful memories. At the time we were so busy getting everything over the road with a 6 month old son there was no time to think about it. That 6 month old son is now married to James C. Hall's daughter and they hump the many generations back Tony's grand children over the road. Happy Birthday to a grand, grand lady.

Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

A very grand lady indeed Wade

She is a very involved & generous

contributor to our cultural scene

here in her 2nd city of Sarasota

We are blessed with her presence

Chic Silber said...

Was El Chapo involved in financing

the Attayde Brothers operations