Monday, February 08, 2016

From Cindy Potter

The photo of your "plot" in Showmen's Rest the other day, reminded me of this! I was visiting friends in Mead, OK  last November and had the opportunity​
​ to stop by Showmen's Rest, myself.

Here I am paying my "respects" to you, Barbara and Anna May!  I'm truly glad that I am able to "share" this with you...NOW!!!


Buckles said...

Ted Svertesky's mother had a Monument erected nearby but his ashes were scattered at sea.

Buckles said...

I once mentioned to Bucky Steele that in the old days they used to worm elephants by feeding them burnt coal ashes. The next time I saw him he said he tried it and it worked fine, so well in fact he tried it himself and had excellent results.