Friday, February 05, 2016

#2 Lady Trainers


Chic Silber said...

Harriet Beatty

Roger Smith said...

Harriett Beatty demanded her chance, winning out against husband Clyde's objections. He and Eddie Allen broke the act, which debuted on Cole-Beatty, in 1936. This shot is in Rochester, Indiana, winterquarters. Note this safety cage is 8 feet tall, meeting the 4th speader up. In my time with Beatty, this appendage was down to 6 feet high, which was still accommodating to Beatty's height of 5' 4". As noted here before, the tigress is Primba, and the lion is Simba. He was retired when he went blind. Primba continued on as the solo cat, in time herself replaced by Singapore. The act was slowly phasing out with Harriett's progressing heart disease, which claimed her life in 1950.