Tuesday, February 09, 2016

#10 Circus World

"Seina", "Rebecca", "Carmen", "Mudu", and "Gilda".
Billy Smart elephants imported for Circus World.
Sue Lenz might know who the original trainer was.
As Rex Williams would say, "Wish I could say I trained them but it was........

I shall now repair to my couch in the living room....turn on the TV.....and see if I can glean how Hillary and Slick Willie will keep me and family safe and sound for the next four years!


Sue Lenz said...

Sorry Buckles, I don’t know who was the original trainer of the Billy Smart’s elephants but I am making enquiries from some knowledgeable folks in the UK.
I will update you when I hear from them.
I do know that Billy Smart Jr presented the herd.

Sue Lenz said...

Just received the information re: The trainer of Billy Smart’s elephants that were sold to Ringling in the 1970’s

The (Guv’nor) Billy Smart, his granddaughter Candy Geddes says that all the elephants were trained and presented by her Uncle, Billy Smart Jr. With the help of her two brothers Danny & Billy Wilson Smart and some of the elephant grooms.

In later years her Uncle Billy used to let Billy Wilson Smart take over some of the presenting but her Uncle always did the training.

Candy’s mother Hazel was one of the Gov’ner’s daughters and her father “Pickles” Wilson.

Hope this answers your question Buckles.

Kindest regards.

Buckles said...

"Pickles"? that's as bad as "Buckles".

Chic Silber said...

Worse (much worse)

How about "Poodles" & "Pee Wee"

Buckles said...

Remember "Hard Times" Leonard?