Saturday, September 05, 2015

Still More Cats! #3


Roger Smith said...

Shows how popular the twisted whipstock has always been. Look closely at his lash. It's handmade, the 3 strands cut vertically and plaited in specific order for the proper weight, balance, and action for this type of whip. Beatty picked up on making this whip, and from him, I learned to cut my own. I just sent a new lash to Ivan Henry, very likely the last one I'll cut.

Jim Alexander said...

I have heard that watching Pete Taylor was where Clyde Beatty got the idea for wearing white gloves. I await Roger's opinion.

Roger Smith said...

Beatty picked up on Taylor's fighting act performing style, and gave his mentor due credit. The white gloves were not a consistent style point. They share photo history with regular tan gloves as well. When I was with him, he clothspinned his gloves to the screen of a small fan in the Airstream for drying between shows.