Saturday, July 04, 2015

To Eric Beheim


Chic Silber said...

A different Frieda was the goofy 1

among the 4 punks in the Beatty herd

(along with Topsy Jewel & Jackie)

Somewhere along about the 70s

They worked in a 4 act in ring 3

Unknown said...

I can remember seeing Freida at the Cleveland Zoo in the early 1950s. She was kept at one end of the building that housed the big cats. During the warm weather, she was exhibited in a large circular enclosure just outside. When she went to the Cleveland Zoo, Frank Buck did not tell them of her circus background. Later, someone was hired as her keeper that also had a circus background and who recognized her. I don’t know if he ever had her perform at the Zoo, but he did mention in a newspaper article that she remembered some of her old tricks. I was 11 in 1957 the year she died. The Zoo had just taken delivery of some baby African elephants (which would now be quite old if they are still alive.) According to her “obituary” in the CLEVELAND PRESS, Freida had acted as a surrogate mother to the youngsters after their arrival. There was some talk of displaying her skeleton at the Zoo, but I don't think that ever came to pass.

JC Hall said...

Buckles, do you know the history on the three Cows that little Bob had that came from the Hagen Bros circus, Frieda ,Terry ,Punk ? I know Boots Madden had Punk a while.