Monday, July 27, 2015

Arthur Bros. #2

Running late this morning, had a picture of Martin Arthur laid out but can't come up with it!


Ole Whitey said...

This cottage ticket wagon was on Sells-Floto by 1929 (can be seen in the 1931 National Geographic story), later to Hagenbeck-Wallace by 1935, left on the west coast when the 1938 show folded, owned by Louis Goebels, leased to Great American in 1939 and later to Arthur Bros.

In 1959 when we played Los Angeles with the Cristiani show, this was rented by Tom Parker for use on the midway. Finally came to CWM in Baraboo in 1964. Has appeared in the Milwaukee parade, also in front of the Tommy Hanneford show on the parade grounds. In 1999 it was loaned to Barnum's Kaleidoscape for a short-time.

The CHS met in Los Angeles that year and I asked a group of the members who were waiting for the bus back to the hotel from seeing Kaleidoscape, "When was the last time this ticket wagon was used on a Los Angeles lot?" I thought sure I would stump them all but Rick Pfening knew the answer. I have never forgiven him.

Paul Gutheil said...

Another great day on the Blog !