Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cavorting Canines #2


Chic Silber said...

Gee Gee Engesser

Unknown said...

I so miss the irreplaceable GeeGee. I wish I could have seen her dog act. I also wish I could have seen my Mother-in-law Barbara work in her hay-day. I never could see a tape even.

Roger Smith said...

Gee Gee's Alaskans were starring on Howard Suesz when I first met her, in '65. We stood together and shed tears over the recent passing of Clyde Beatty. She and Billy Powell had honeymooned on the Beatty show. If memory serves, she carried 8 Malamutes on this act, plus a couple of mutts for comic relief. All visiors were warned that those Malamutes were dangerous. Everything Gee Gee had, from wardrobe, to the dog sled, to the props, was 1st Class. DARLENE, you did miss something--so let's continue the search for a film.