Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Beaux Arts Ball #2 (From Buckles)

Barbara tells the story of the time in Sarasota she posed as a model at the Ringling School of Art.
This is one of the portraits that was given to her.
She also has a story of she and Rex attending the Beaux Arts Ball which I have invited her to tell.



Because I was working at all the art studios Rex & I didn't need an invitation. And the theme that year was "Saints & Sinners." Sooooo ...I decided to go as (Adam & Eve) with apple of course. But the problem was to get Rex to go in costume....BIG...PROBLEM...Rex was all for a party, as we all know. BUT...COSTUME....NOOOO....WAY....So I went ahead and made the costumes. I made a flesh colored leotard for myself. And flesh colored brief trunks for Rex, with two good size fig leaves. Mine had fig leaf skirt, for bottoms. And two nice size leafs for each side on top...Now Rex was a PARTY MAN. But not with costumes. So I got the "Magic" liquid, got him half looped, then presented him with the "Figleaf Costume". And told him all his friends were wearing the same thing. We ended up in the last group of would be winners. He had eaten the apple before the last walk through for the prize. We were in the group that didn't have much on. Rex was fine with it that night, but the next morning was a different story.......AND A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL......LOL....Barbara.....