Thursday, May 29, 2014

From Chic

 Here is that window card mentioned regarding the same art as the Lewis Bros. from Brad Timberlake.


Chic Silber said...

The Lighthouse Field site was in

the North end of Philly & not the

best area outside the fenced lot

I recall it a 10 day stand that

surrounded Memorial day weekend

The show played the back end with

the James E Strates big rail show

The Lulu Temple of the Shrine was

the sponser except for the Sunday

performances & remained involved

after the date moved to Liberty

Bell racetrack & then to an awful

farmer's field on Street Road

Last years on Lighthouse Field

might have been the early 60s

I think it was Vivona's A of A

that played the Liberty Bell date

with the show but didn't follow

to the great mudhole