Tuesday, April 15, 2014

From Eric Beheim

Back around 1975, when Federal and California state agencies were starting to enact laws regarding the owning and exhibiting of wild animals, Bobby Holter, Smokey and Kari Jones and some of the other animal people from the Los Angeles area got together to be interviewed by one of the local LA TV stations to explain their side of the story. Smokey and Kari brought along their little elephant Tika, and Bobby had his tiger GT (which I understand stood for Good Tiger.) Bobby just had GT on a chain and I asked if I could stand next to him and GT for a picture. Instead, he handed me the chain and walked away. Smokey took this picture. Looking back, I now realize that this was one of the more foolish things I did during my life. At the time, I was thrilled beyond belief to be this close to an uncaged tiger. 


Paul Gutheil said...

Eric: Thanks to Ron & Joy Holiday years ago Diane and I had a similar experience. I know just what you're saying.