Tuesday, February 11, 2014

1978 A Great Year #10

"Anna May", Barbara and Ringling publicist Fred Nathan with Ted Svertesky looking on.


Chic Silber said...

After serving SRF (Solters Roskin

& Friedman) for several years he

opened his own Broadway PR firm

Fred became 1 of the top NY press

agents for quite a while but he

died at an early age


Yes I miss Fred. We became such good friends. He gave me credit for much of his success, because of the articles he scored in "US Magazine", "PEOPLE Magazine", "After Dark"( gay mag.) and a few other things. I would invite him to go with Eartha Kitt, Buckles and a few other friends to "Studio 54". He was a doll he would take care of our fur coats. Instead of checking them in. Something that I loved about Eartha didn't go for drugs. And it sure did float around there. She ordered nothing but the best champagne. (I didn't know the difference.)I miss Eartha Kitt & Fred Nathan so much. Later he gave me tickets to many Broadway shows......Barbara.....


Later Fred Nathan called me and he was handling "Little Foxes". (publicity) He called me, and wanted me to come up to N.Y. City. He said we would stay in Elizabeth Taylor's Pent house, (as she was not staying in it) And he said that he would send her limousine to pick me up at the airport. And he told me that she and I were just alike.....WOW....BUT.....I had just had back surgery, and I do mean just.....SO.....No N.Y....So Fred had Elizabeth call me. He said that I didn't use the sailor language she did. I was blown away to talk to her on the phone. I know I would have had a ball, She was a card. This is something you don't talk about too much, as it sounds like bragging. I know that many people in our business have had much more happen to them. And I don't mean this as bragging. Talking about Fred I just wanted to share.....Barbara.....

Paul Gutheil said...

Barbara, it's not bragging, you and Buckles earned it all and deserve all the good things that came your way over the years, and there are those of us "out there" that are just happy to hear or rehear of all the good things that came your way.

Chic Silber said...

Fred & my wife were also good

friends that worked on several

shows together including "Little

Foxes" which got started at the

Kennedy Center under her guidance

before moving to Broadway

Fred had the respect of everyone

that he ever worked with which is

a rare quality in our business