Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"Mabel" #3

Tex Carson Circus.


John Herriott said...

We spent four wks. with Gil Gray animals during a Gray lay off on Tex Carson. What a blast. I remember Mabel and hand Cherokee. A Hugo oipra to be sure. It was a two ring circus with just two middles. Owner Jack Moore announced the show. We had two 6 pony drills worked by me and MR. Jack would say," To open our show two rings of military ponies, trained and now presented by Tex and Tessie Carson." Cherokee would "rassel that there Bare if no sucker came out of the seats for the "concert announcement". Earlier they had two dog acts, one by Ed Weideman wife[elephant guy] and one by Blondie Ward [ lived with organist] the two dog acts got in a big tempermental beef about the acts and both blowed the show. so no elephants and no music, so agent Tom McLaughlin visited Gils Show and we loucked out going there. I was raised around those "mud Shows" and was right at home. I would take my elephants and Mabel and do the water at a gas station at noon ala KM..We pulled on the lot one morn. and Cherokee had unloaded the nice six chocalate liberty horses. Mary Ruth said,"its so early in the morning why does Cherokee put their trappings on so early?" I hesitayted to tell her that Cherokee never took the harness off. True story. johnny

Roger Smith said...

I'm not sure if the elephant is pulling the tractor out of trouble, or if this is a tug-of-war act.

Chic Silber said...

Sure a good way to tear up the

grass on the track (ruts galore)