Monday, January 28, 2013

1984 Toby Tyler Circus #11 (From Buckles)

The Toby Tyler Circus Band playing "The Storming Of El Caney" under the personal direction of Prof. Charles Schlarbaum!



BUCKLES, Thank You!, Nice to be reminded of when circuses had LIVE music....everyday. A real privelge to have trouped a majority of my days on circuses that had live bands. Top people with old friend Chuck Schlarbaum on the top of the list.Another favorite was Rick Percy and brother who were on Hoxie in my early days,Lee Maloney,a virtual one man band, and my dear friend Jack Jackson, trumpet player/bandleader in 79' who was our link to the historical past, who also was a WWII warhero , he and a 19 man squad took 1500 Waffen SS troops, tanks, morters etc. in April of 1945 prisoner by using his commmand of German launguage learned on shows when he had a high bar act pre war. Years later, Jack was on Lewis Bros. (84) when I drove Hoxie Tucker and trailer up to the show. That TOBY TYLER 84 was one heck of a show! MIKE CECERE.

Harry Kingston said...

Hi Mike,
Glad to see you on this blog and I know we will enjoy your comments going down the sawdust trail.
Harry in Texas