Sunday, September 30, 2012

Antwerp Zoo #1

 Went to Antwerp by train a few days ago & spent hours at the zoo
Here is the interior of the magnificent train station & the entrance
to the zoo that is adjacent to it (the Bactrian camel is high above it)


Bob Swaney said...

You were able to bypass the diamond shops?!

Chic Silber said...

My wife has me Bob (a diamond in the

rough) what more does she need

Ole Whitey said...

(Yeah, right!)

Chic Silber said...

Ixnay Dave you'll blow my cover

Ole Whitey said...


Didn't that go out with Twenty-Three Skidoo?

Buckles said...

Sid Kellner would sometimes say NG when asked a question.
I finally asked him what that meant and with a surprised expression he said, "No Good!"

Chic Silber said...

NG is the short form of NFG which is

marked in chalk on rental lighting

units being returned to the shops

for repair or replacement (it's a

technical theater term)

Ole Whitey said...

Jack Gagne used to tell about the litho checkers of old.

If the lithos had been pulled in a store, he would say, "I need to stamp your tickets" and the sap of a store owner would hand them over at which point the show guy stamped them with a big "NG."